It's important for landlords to ensure that their property is in good condition, as this can not only extend the life of their property, but also improve the experience for tenants.
Our team is at your building's service for maintenance and repairs. Regular maintenance is essential to prevent major problems. This can include simple tasks such as cleaning air filters, inspecting windows and doors for air leaks, and checking mechanical appliances to make sure they're working properly.
In the event of a problem, it's important to repair the damage quickly to prevent problems from getting worse. Our team is always on hand to respond to tenants' concerns about maintenance and repairs.
To ensure the longevity and safety of your building, it's important to keep it in good condition. Preventive maintenance avoids costly and unpleasant surprises. Our building maintenance team informs us of any anomalies found during our visits to your tenants.
We offer a building tour service to detect problems.
Our team offers punctual maintenance and janitorial services to ensure the upkeep of the buildings we manage.
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Multidisciplinary team
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Track & Fix, a service compatible with all warranty plans across Canada.
Track & Fix, a service compatible with all warranty plans across Canada.